Dear reader
As we are almost nearing the halfway mark of this year, South Africa continues to grapple against the country’s long-term social economic headwinds. Together with international manifestation of trends such as climate change, technological disruptions, demographic shifts and social instability, South Africans are also weathering the storm of load-shedding, the deterioration of our transport infrastructure, rising interest rates and the recent greylisting of the country by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) – all factors that are not only reducing our economic growth potential but more than ever testing business’ resilience during these times.
Where is it then that we find hope and inspiration to weather ourselves and our businesses in this storm?
Mother Theresa once said: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” During these times we continue to be inspired by a community of people that continue to create positive ripples and positive impact – our employees, our colleagues in business, our trusted advisors, our clients.
In this issue of our newsletter, we share valuable information to prepare yourself and your business for what lies ahead.
May you continue your journey to leave a positive impact in a country still filled with so much potential – knowing that we partner with you every step of the way.
Until our next publication we wish you and your business the best ahead.
ASL Greetings