ASL Personeelnuus
April 11, 2023
June 9, 2023
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We say farewell to

Frances Burger

The joy of children’s feet in the house and the prospect of a second baby on the horizon, Frances made the decision to take a step back from her professional career to give her fulltime attention to her family and invest more quality time in their children. After almost four years in the role of tax specialist and legal consultant, she will therefore leave ASL’s service on 31 March 2023.

We would like to thank her for her contribution to the development of our tax consultancy function, for sharing her knowledge with colleagues and thereby empowering them, as well as her continuous support to the client managers and partners. Frances not only had an impact on client matters, but also broadened the knowledge of every staff member she came into contact with. We wish her and her family all the best in this new exciting chapter.

The dedicated ASL team has always been, and still is, committed to providing high quality service to our customers and services will continue uninterrupted. We are fortunate to have built the necessary expertise internally by empowering several individuals. Along with this, we ar also privileged to have established relationships with various knowledgeable specialists in the tax field who we can consult should the need arise.

Please direct any enquiries to any of the partners in the firm.

Suné Lourens

We also say goodbye to Suné, manager in our accounting/business solutions department, at the end of March. Suné and her husband decided to return to their country of origin, Namibia, where they will make Swakopmund their new home. Suné joins a firm in Walvis Bay where she will continue to live out her passion for accounting and taxation.

Suné has made a lasting impression since she joined ASL as a trainee accountant in 2016, followed by her promotion to client manager in the business solutions department in 2019. We will miss her outstanding work ethic and exceptional human nature and wish her prosperity and success in her future endeavours.

Suné’s successor is no stranger to ASL. Anneke West joined ASL as a trainee accountant in 2020 after obtaining her BCom Honours degree in Management Accounting from the University of Stellenbosch in 2019. Anneke was born and raised in Somerset West and has a great passion for people and nature.

Anneke is therefore already familiar with the ASL way of doing things and we are excited about her new appointment and the further growth she will experience in her career.

It remains our priority to maintain continuity and above-average service levels during this transition period. We invite you to contact us should any uncertainties or queries arise in this regard.

ASL welcomes new staff members

ASL is pleased to welcome the following new staff members who joined the firm in February 2023 to complete their trainee contracts. We know that the next three years of articles will hold enriching life lessons, preparing each individual for their respective careers.

2023 Trainee group | South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA):

From left to right:

Evan Slabbert (currently busy with his BCom Accounting degree through UNISA), Charné Pietersen (BAcc Hons, NWU), Mardi Venter (BAcc Hons, NWU), Vonique Slabbert (BAcc, NWU), Casper Venter (BAcc Hons, NWU), Cindi Henning (Forensic Accounting Hons, NWU), Anne Diedericks (BAcc Hons, SU), Pauline Lloyd (BAcc, SU), Jacques Brits (BAcc, UP).

2023  Trainee  Group  |  South  African  Institute  of  Professional Accountants (SAIPA):

From left to right:

Amoré Yzelle (BCom Management Accounting Hons, NWU), Alika Rossouw (BCom Management Accounting Hons, SU), Lize-Mari Marais (BCom Financial Accounting, NWU), Ané Jansons (BCom Financial Accounting, NWU), Jaun van der Walt (BCom Financial Accounting, NWU), Tania Brandt (BCom Management Accounting Hons, SU), Mariska Keeve (BCom Financial Accounting, NWU) en Mioné Luus (BCom Financial Accounting, NWU).

Furthermore, ASL also welcomes Cally Januarie, who joined ASL as a bookkeeper in October 2022. Cally, her husband and three beautiful children live in the Strand. She has experience both in-practice, as well as outside of practice where she was employed as bookkeeper in her previous roles. We appreciate the impact she is making on her clients and colleagues already the past few months.



Congratulations | Studies:

We would like to congratulate the following staff on their exceptional academic achievements.

Anna-Mart du Plessis, a third-year SAIPA trainee, who is concurrently also enrolled for her management accounting qualification through the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), has passed her final CIMA strategic case study in November 2022. She will therefore be able to register with both SAIPA and CIMA after completing her final year as trainee. Congratulations on this achievement!

Furthermore, we also congratulate the following staff members on completing the final board examination in order to be able to register as a chartered accountant at SAICA. These staff members completed the final assessment in professional competence (currently known as Assessment of Professional Competence, or APC, previously known as “board 2”) during December 2022.

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