
June 15, 2020

Think like the youth, embark on success

Think like the youth, embark on success It is inevitable that every business will go through tough times somewhere during its lifespan. The recent effect of […]
March 17, 2020


ASL verwelkom graag negentien nuwe personeellede wat in Februarie by ons aangesluit het, onder wie een assistent-bestuurder en sewentien leerlingrekenmeesters in die onderskeie Oudit- en Rekeningkundige […]
October 29, 2019

Professionele- / Loopbaan-identiteit

Professionele identiteit kan gedefinieer word as ‘n persoon se professionele selfkonsep – ‘n stel van persoonlike eienskappe, oortuigings, waardes, motiewe en ervarings wat voortspruit uit werksaktiwiteite. […]
August 6, 2019

Employee News

Jacques Potgieter becomes Associate It is with great excitement that we hereby announce that Jacques Potgieter was promoted to an Associate within the ASL Group with […]
August 6, 2019


Jacques Potgieter word Assosiaat Dit is met groot opgewondenheid dat ons hiermee bekend maak dat Jacques Potgieter met ingang vanaf Julie 2019 bevorder is tot Assosiaat […]
May 31, 2019

The positive characteristics of millennials

Generation cohorts are composed of groups of individuals who were born and raised in the same period and thus share some unique characteristics and experiences from […]
May 31, 2019


Nuwe werknemers Op 14 Januarie 2019 het ons vir Dirk du Toit in die Rekeningkunde Departement as bestuurder verwelkom. Dirk kom oorspronklik van die Ouplaas-distrik tussen […]
June 4, 2018

Once your employees are rowing in the right direction, make sure they have lifejackets…

In our April issue, in the article titled “Are your employees rowing in the right direction?”, we discussed the importance of shaping an engagement culture in […]
June 4, 2018

Maak seker dat jou werknemers reddingsbaadjies het sodra hulle in die regte rigting begin roei…

In ons April-uitgawe in die artikel getiteld  “Roei u werknemers in die regte rigting?” het ons bespreek hoe belangrik dit is om ’n betrokkenheidskultuur in ’n […]
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